Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Comparing Photo Quality: GoPro Hero 3 vs TCL SVC 200 Action Cameras

Specifically in this post I'd like to talk about the photo quality of each: The GoPro Hero 3 White Edition vs The TCL SVC 200. I own both cameras and while the photo quality differences aren't that big of a deal for me (I mean these aren't DSLR cameras after all), the differences are there and as I've read on other Internet posts which compare action cameras, photo quality is a big deal for most. Overall, I'd say that the TCL SVC 200 has better photo quality. But don't take my word for it. See for yourself. I placed both cameras side by side and took a photo of the same subject, about 1 second part. I pressed the shutter on the GoPro and then the TCL.

  Above photo taken with the GoPro Hero 3 White Edition.
Above, photo taken with the TCL SVC 200.

Given that color and visual texture, eye comfort is a very subjective thing, I'd like to state that what follows is only my opinion. Maybe it's my monitor. But here are my observations.

Of the two cameras, I think the TCL SVC 200 has better photo quality. First, the TCL photo is brighter. By brighter I mean the light conditions are stronger with the SVC 200. As mentioned, the setting and subject were the same for both cameras, but in room lighting conditions it does seem the TCL action camera does a better job. Leaving the technical aside though, it's just more comfortable to look at the photo produced by the TCL camera.

The photo taken with the GoPro Hero 3 White is muted and slightly blurrier. It kind of has a doomy gloomy feel to it. Or maybe that's just the color scheme in my office. Which come to think of it, is rather...unenergetic and blah. Of note, when you look at the row of end to end fluorescent bulb lights on the ceiling (on the left side of the photos), you definitely see how the glow is muted, almost non-existent with the GoPro. I am looking at those lights now in real time as I write this and my naked eye definitely notices the hazy glow, so in these terms I feel the GoPro doesn't give a true representation of what's real.

Is this a big deal?

Well if you're a nature enthusiast and you want to capture that ideal blue tint of an oncoming wave or the particular beauty of the sun, then maybe something will be lost in the photo translation if you're using the GoPro.

Also despite the fact that both use the same 5MP image sensor, the TCL SVC 200 photo seems to me altogether sharper. But this is tricky because quite often sharper is because of brighter. I'm saying this regarding sharper of course by looking at my friend's short sleeve shirt sleeve. And his arm. Of the two, my friend seems more real and offers a better contrast to the surroundings using the TCL action camera.

Lastly I want to talk about color reproduction. For this I'd like to draw your attention to the right side of the photos to the orange area which in our office represents common area where people sit to chat. Look at the very dull and muted orange palette which the GoPro Hero 3 White Edition provides. Now contrast that with the bright, lively orange which the TCL SVC 200 delivers. Big big difference right?

Don't think so? What about something more obvious? The yellow column support structure to the right of center in both photos. Which yellow is more real to your eyes? The GoPro photo delivers a grimy depressing yellow. It's the kind of yellow you might produce when you have a cold and are coughing up phlegm. The TCL on the other hand, produces a nice happy yellow that imparts a feeling of delight. Don't agree? Answer me this. Which shade of yellow would you use to paint your child's room with? Which shade of yellow would you like on your office walls? TCL. Thought so.

All these contribute to the comfort level you experience with a photo (and from this of course we can imagine the quality of video) and based on the above evidence it seems the TCL mini action DV camera is better.